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Retrobolt is a one man indie game team,that one man being Brandon Mccurdy.Like most,my need to be a game developer began when I played and enjoyed the games of my childhood both modern and retro.As time went by,I want to know more about these games like-

  • What makes them so fun?

  • Why do I like some,but not others?

  • Why are certain games designed certain ways?

  • How do I know to do this when I first play the game?

  • And of course,how do you make video games?(I think we’ve all been there.)

Over the years I learned these things and it made me fall in love with these games more and appreciate them on a new level.On top of that,I’ve also been exploding with unique ideas and twists for my own games.

My goal is to be able to make a living making the games I love in multiple genres with new innovative mechanics,invested stories with lovable relatable characters.

But I don’t just wish to help myself,I want to help other people in my place,other creators.From youtubers to artists,too many times I’ve seen people posting tweets or videos on how their dream job just isn’t paying the bills.I want to use the skills I’ve learned and any success that I may get in the future to help these people.

Normally about pages just talk about the company,but since I’m a one man team I tell you about myself.I am a hardworking yet lazy (Yes you can be both.) innovative motivate person who will dedicate as much time as possible to a project day and night.I want to create the many unique games and ideas I have in my head.

I hope this helps you know the type of person I am.

If you want to contact me about anything than follow the link below.


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